Friday 20 September 2013

Visual arts on practicum

Visual arts was not a high priority in my practicum classroom, however there were a few artworks and activities which caught my attention. 

This was a nifty art lesson my Year 2 Prac teacher taught, as a means of explaining about primary versus secondary colours and the weaving technique.

Students drew five large circles on an A4 page, colouring them in oil pastels using either primary or secondary colours. Despite the teacher modeling it, students had difficulty getting the circle size right – a lesson in proportion (perhaps a cross-KLA link with geometry?)

Primary colour checkerboards
They then cut the page into strips. I pre-prepared black paper squares by folding them in half and ruling ten lines from the fold to 2cm from the edge. Students cut along the lines (carefully!) They then weaved the paper strips through the black paper, gluing the edges down. This was a mammoth effort as many did not have the fine motor coordination to weave without tearing the paper. The whole class fell silent as they concentrated on the task. Those who finished early helped others weave.

The final product was a vibrant checkerboard, particularly with the contrast against the black. I can’t wait to try this in my classroom!

Below are a collection of artworks hanging up in the classroom. The teacher aimed for uniformity, with each artwork process being highly structured and step-by-step to create the same result. I question how much individual expression was allowed in these works.

Broken bottle jigsaw
Negative image rubbings

Aboriginal story art

Fish paper plate

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